Jabba the headhunter

Listening to the Yankee commentary team complain that 'Normally you get a warning before you are thrown out of a game!' I had to think to myself, 'well, usually you don't throw at a players head twice in succession'.

Jabba the Chamberlin shows his ugly side

Pretty disgusting little sequence at Yankee stadium. The young Yankee phenom threw at Youkilis's noggin, then, next pitch, did it again. He actually seemed surprised when he was thrown out of the game.

''Do you think he was throwing at Youkilis?'' asked Michael Kay.
Kay then added ''The plunking of A-Rod was never answered''
So Kay was explaining away a pitcher throwing at a players head.

Classy. Very classy.

Hey, enjoy your little string of success New York. There's still a nice little gap between you guys and the Red Sox still though, and Jabba's throwing at Youkilis's head has given the Sox something to remember from their trip for when the teams meet at Fenway Park.

See you in Boston, Jabba.

