Check out who's running the White House now!

If he ran he would probably take Massachusetts, and maybe Texas too. Pretty funny story about Josh Beckett's first visit to the White House, back in 2003, courtesy of the guys @ 'Surviving Grady'.
Josh Beckett:

If he ran he would probably take Massachusetts, and maybe Texas too. Pretty funny story about Josh Beckett's first visit to the White House, back in 2003, courtesy of the guys @ 'Surviving Grady'.
Josh Beckett:
"We were the Marlins. I don’t think anyone knew we were in town,” said Beckett, who like every other player on the team had to get to Washington on his own because it was before spring training. “I remember it was a pain . . . because of security. I showed up at the White House with my luggage, and they didn’t really like me arriving with it.”