You do indeed have to love this time of year. I have had at least four or five of my baseball-fan friends email me, text me or just good old fashioned say to me, 'I love this time of year!'.
With that in mind, ten things to look forward to with Spring Training just around the corner.
10. Johan and the Mets. Should be very interesting to see how Santana gets on in the NL. Logically, he should be almost unhitable, however Barry Zito's struggles showed you can't just go from the AL to the NL and expect to put up '99 Pedro like numbers straight off the bat. If Santana is 'on' however, the Mets will be an almost AL like, NL powerhouse.
9. The continued rehabilitation of Patriot nation. Even the deepest cuts heal over time. Every day closer to the first Josh Beckett fastball of the summer is a step towards rehabilitation, for those of us who's insides were askew after the not-so-super-bowl.
8. Go Jocoby, go! Just how fast is Jacoby Ellsbury? Let's find out! The human spark plug is going to get playing time in '08 and he should prove to be an absolute nightmare for opposing teams while churning up the base-paths. He could prove one of the most exciting aspects of the '08 Red Sox season.
7. Manny's free agency year. Yes, that's right. Manny is in his free agency year. Does this mean he goes on an unbelievable tear and gets back to his 150/40 potential? Or is he just getting old?
6. The Kansas City Royals. Only kidding. Sorry Rich.
5.The dirty nine. Did you know that NINE members of that late nineties Yankees 'dynasty' were mentioned in the Mitchell report? That's right, nine. Think anyone in the 'established' media talks about this in the coming months? We'll see, although it seems to, so far, be slipping under the radar.
4. A man called Lester. Jon lester is someone who 'benefits' from Curt's spaghetti shoulder. He can now relax and pitch and not worry, at least until the all-star game, about losing his spot in the rotation. Lester pitched well last season including a couple of gutsy playoff showings. If he pitches within himself and get's a little bit of luck along the way, what's stopping the big lefty from posting 12-15 wins?
3. Watching too much baseball on This isn't a pitch on MLB's part, it's not like they need it! However MLB TV is the greatest invention since sexual intercourse.
2. The David Ortiz walk-off home run. Coming soon to a baseball park near you.

1. The incredible potential of the 2008 Boston Red Sox.
With that in mind, ten things to look forward to with Spring Training just around the corner.
10. Johan and the Mets. Should be very interesting to see how Santana gets on in the NL. Logically, he should be almost unhitable, however Barry Zito's struggles showed you can't just go from the AL to the NL and expect to put up '99 Pedro like numbers straight off the bat. If Santana is 'on' however, the Mets will be an almost AL like, NL powerhouse.
9. The continued rehabilitation of Patriot nation. Even the deepest cuts heal over time. Every day closer to the first Josh Beckett fastball of the summer is a step towards rehabilitation, for those of us who's insides were askew after the not-so-super-bowl.
8. Go Jocoby, go! Just how fast is Jacoby Ellsbury? Let's find out! The human spark plug is going to get playing time in '08 and he should prove to be an absolute nightmare for opposing teams while churning up the base-paths. He could prove one of the most exciting aspects of the '08 Red Sox season.
7. Manny's free agency year. Yes, that's right. Manny is in his free agency year. Does this mean he goes on an unbelievable tear and gets back to his 150/40 potential? Or is he just getting old?
6. The Kansas City Royals. Only kidding. Sorry Rich.
5.The dirty nine. Did you know that NINE members of that late nineties Yankees 'dynasty' were mentioned in the Mitchell report? That's right, nine. Think anyone in the 'established' media talks about this in the coming months? We'll see, although it seems to, so far, be slipping under the radar.
4. A man called Lester. Jon lester is someone who 'benefits' from Curt's spaghetti shoulder. He can now relax and pitch and not worry, at least until the all-star game, about losing his spot in the rotation. Lester pitched well last season including a couple of gutsy playoff showings. If he pitches within himself and get's a little bit of luck along the way, what's stopping the big lefty from posting 12-15 wins?
3. Watching too much baseball on This isn't a pitch on MLB's part, it's not like they need it! However MLB TV is the greatest invention since sexual intercourse.
2. The David Ortiz walk-off home run. Coming soon to a baseball park near you.

1. The incredible potential of the 2008 Boston Red Sox.