Willie Gray, stop wasting everbody's time!!

What an incredible, disgusting waste of time.
Former St. Louis Ram sues Pats over Super Bowl taping
A lawsuit filed Friday by a former St. Louis Rams player and others seeks millions of dollars in damages from the alleged taping of Rams practices by the New England Patriots before the 2002 Super Bowl. The Patriots won the game 20-17 in the Superdome. The $100 million suit, filed on behalf of former Rams player Willie Gary in U.S. District Court in New Orleans, names the Patriots, team owner Robert Kraft and head coach Bill Belichick.
All this is doing is tying up court time that could be used for actual real legal matters. This idiot Willie Gary should be ashamed of himself. The most pathetic aspect is that this clown, Gary, was sitting around and he realised that maybe he could get rich over the asinine, media-inflated storyline that has been doing the rounds. More ridiculously, someone actually agreed to run with it for/with him.

Someone slap Willie Gray upside the head and tell him to get his act together. Sadly he isn't the one to blame. The modern US sporting media has become a frothing, out of control monster that bludgeons stories and non-stories alike to death in an almost obsessive compulsive fashion.

Where is it ever going to end?



Dave said…
The unfortunate (or fortunate if you look at it as a essential freedom) thing is that it is very easy to file a lawsuit for anything in the US, no matter how frivolous. There are prisoners who make a cottage industry out of it.